Stop it.
Don't do this.
You don't want this.
It's a 2 seconds pleasure vs a bad foggy day ahead with full of guilt.
The future you, the tomorrow you wouldn't want this.
This for a second what reasons make you start doing nofap.
Do you really want to give up what you want most for what you want right now?
Fuck it!
Fuck you!!
Enough with the sissy advice!
You are not a victim!!
You are the predator!
You are not being held to a gunpoint, forced to fap.
You are in your right mind, with the freedom to choose.
Don't get mad at yourself if you relapse after this.
Get mad at yourself right now!!
This version of you right now is the devil.
He is the one responsible for all your problem in your life.
Now, stand up and get away from the place you are right now.
Go to an open place, a public place.
Think for a second, what is your other normal friends are doing right now?
If there were sleeping, why don't you?
If there were partying, close this guide and join them!
Copy what the normal people do.
You don't deal with this episodes by edging. ( watching porn while masturbating without finishing it with orgasm)
You deal it by running away from it.
Forget about it.
This moment never happened!
What were we talking about just now?
About no fap.
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