Monday, September 8, 2014

#DAY 3

Bla bla bla

Bla bla good morning bla.

I know you hate the small talk as much as I do.

Glad we agreed on that.

Lets get down to business.

Today you  are on your third day.

You still have your spirit with you, that's good!
Today I will tell you one harsh reality.
You need to know this if you are serious of finishing this challenge.

Motivation sucks.
Discipline is better than motivation.
The army people know this, that's why they don't have any preachers, motivational speakers to strengthen their will on a daily basis.

If you want to succeed, you can't rely on motivation alone.
It is better for you to cultivate discipline, force yourself to do this.
Discipline is reliable, motivation is fleeting.
The question is not how to keep yourself motivated, it is to train yourself to do nofap even without it.

                                                 (like this guy, obvously)

How to force yourself doing nofap?
You have to follow a relapse proof daily schedule that in no way will lead you to fap.

Having said all these, I want you to abide this paramount rule in your daily basis.
Do your hobbies 3 times a week.
Do your workout 4 times a week.
Sleep early every night.
Spend no time on the net aimlessly.
Disconnect. Go offline more.

Make no compromise.
If you thoroughly abide to your own rule, you are unshakeble.
Don't slack off.

This is your third day.
You might think I'm crazy for asking you this.

Trust me, to regain your full potential, your oldself back would take you around 90 days.
Within those 90 days , many things will happen. 

Sky will fall and hell will broke loose.
Your emotion will be tested to the max.
We all knows we sometimes relapsed to run away from problems, or being cornered by stresses.
This is the only way we can endure this.

Be hard on yourself untill you have seen the results.
When you see the result, disciplines will become norms.

In the end of the days, this struggle will be worth it!


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